To my dear readers,
Since I have two projects now, my goal is to translate Eunuch on Mon, Weds, and Fri nights. Tues, Thurs, and Sat nights are for Supernatural Girlfriend. And Sunday is my day off (I tutor on Sundays).
I normally aim to publish before midnight, but sometimes it is a few hours delayed because I have other commitments during the day. I will try my best not to disappoint you guys.
Note: My timezone is the same as New York’s. So if you live on the other side of the world, there may be a 12 hours difference. Ex. My midnight may be your afternoon.
Here is Chapter 66
P.S. If my sentences are weird, please forgive me. Sometimes, it doesn’t flow regardless of how many times I try to reword it.
P.P.S. Thank you for turning off adblock, guys!
Hey there,
How’s it going.
I love what you’ve done to your website and the novels that you’re translating. I’m an avid reader myself, and have been reading Japanese, Korean, Chinese, novels for several years now. I’ve also been translating myself, with my own website, in order to give back to the community.
Now, the reason I’m reaching out to you today is because I want to help you maximize your current website’s ability to produce income. I work for an online advertising company that has been around for 15+ years, and still growing strong. I guarantee that I can help you profit off of most, if not all of your traffic.
I’m saying this as someone who cares and is also in the same field as you. Many websites don’t know that they’re not actually maximizing on all of their pageviews, so I’m here to help!
Would you be able to make time for a quick discussion on what I can do to help you?
What’s your website!?
Thanks for taking the time to msg me. Haha. I am quite skeptical though because there is no such thing as a free lunch.