The Eunuch is Pregnant: Chapter 242

To my dear readers,

I made this chapter longer than usual so we can fit more action!! It’s already released on

If you are still confused and just wants to click NEXT, I’ve linked chapter 230 on the facebook fanpage and you guys can click NEXT at the very end of the chapter until around 237 or 238. After that, the chapters are simply a, b, c, d, e, f… <– click here and read the pinned post if you want the link for chapter 230.

Also, this arc is extremely confusing because I honestly do not understand why Le Yao Yao looks the same as Si Mu Han’s wife. You guys tell me. I don’t get it. I’ll talk more about it in the future so I don’t end up spoiling it for readers who haven’t read it yet.

But it doesn’t make sense to me. By the way, Yu will come look for our female MC soon… It’s going to take some time because the chapters are insanely long these days. This is only the 2nd day. Le Yao Yao was captured yesterday.

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Chapter 242


8 thoughts on “The Eunuch is Pregnant: Chapter 242”

    1. There’s a pattern. It’s alphabetical order. We are right now. The previous chapter is and the next chapter will be g. Think a,b,c,d,e,f,g

        1. Come on, she tries her best to protect her work and also tries to make it logical so we could find the chapters xD it‘s not that difficult. She also explains it. be grateful to be able to read the story ?.

    2. being able to notice patterns is an important ability of being an adult. the use of this isnt just to look at pretty things or realize the site is using the chapter names as the url or the English alphabet as the url but also to help with monthly spending, investigating crimes, being aware of your surroundings and others.

      but hey, thats a lot of work. better to just complain and not care that the tl’er’s work is being stolen which may lead to them stopping their translations altogether. seems like thats the bigger issue then needing to remember what comes after a,b,c,d,e,f.

  1. i bet its time travel. the unborn child is the wife of the evil cult leader and she went back in time to ensure something happens so that in the future she will be able to go back in time and make her mother slip as she tried to escape leading to the mc taking over / awakening memories of her last life.

    or twins. twins feels like its a higher chance then original body of mc being the wife.

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