The Eunuch is Pregnant: Chapter 135

To my dear readers,

Happy New Year! Thank you so much for all the encouraging comments. In the future, I might try to take a picture of my translations and post it up instead, so the other sites can’t steal my content unless they want to personally type out my entire chapter…. UGHHHHHH!!!!! By the way, I don’t have the rights to translate this novel so anyone can do it if they want. It doesn’t matter to me if other people want to translate this. They can have their own version. I just hate it when other people copy and paste my work and make money off doing nothing.

Anyhow, this chapter is for my patrons. Thank you for all the support. In addition, from the comments, I know some of you are annoyed by the fact that Leng Jun Yu seems to be forcing Le Yao Yao to satisfy his sexual desires. It is true and I do not approve of this behaviour. However, please remember that this novel takes place in Ancient China. In the past, men were considered “Heaven” for women. Women needed to rely on men for survival. And it was expected that they do things to satisfy their men regardless of whether they liked it or not. Although in this case, Le Yao Yao is a “guy”, he is still a servant. The fact that Leng Jun Yu hadn’t forcefully raped “him” while he was sober is already very surprising. In that era, the only person who could’ve “controlled” the King of Hell was the Emperor. Since Leng Jun Yu is already noble and so powerful, he could’ve done whatever he wanted with no consequences at all (unless it was against the Emperor).

Here is Chapter 135

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3 thoughts on “The Eunuch is Pregnant: Chapter 135”

  1. Hi Grace!
    Thanks so much for your hard work translating the novel. I have truly enjoyed it! Sadly, I had followed from Wattpad, but the person whom I read it from did point to this blog. I see that you use WordPress, so wanted to let you know that there is a plugin that you can download and install to prevent others from copy pasting your work. I just can’t think of the name of the plugin at the moment, but I do use it for my own photo website.

  2. Hi Grace
    I’m your french reader…Happy new Year. I gave you a little present for all your work …It’s not a lot but it’s to show you how greatly I appreciate your work.
    BLessings and -tendres pensées-

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