The Eunuch is Pregnant: Chapter 69+70

To my dear readers,

I actually did a double release today! There are mainly 3 reasons:

  1. Chapter 69 is so boring and no fun.
  2. I want to reward my patrons and donors. Even though I don’t do sponsored chapters, you guys still choose to support me. I am very grateful.
  3. I want to hurry and get to the cute/funny/sexy chapters. This novel moves like a tortoise and I’ve already cut out 20% of repetitive stuff. (Note: Cute chapter coming up!! *wink wink*)

I hope you guys enjoy. It took me all day to translate. I honestly try to give you guys the best reader experience. Please consider supporting me on patreon or donating. Any amount is appreciated! (When I say any, I mean any. A broke translator cannot be greedy lol)

Here is Chapter 69 and Chapter 70

Please don’t forget to turn off ad block! If you have no money, you can comment or show support by telling people about the novel! I will still love you. <3

P.S. I don’t know why my announcement posts are always so long. lol

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