The Eunuch is Pregnant: Chapter 62

To my dear readers,

Firstly, I would like to thank Rebekah Rose for her donation and Alyssa Miles for supporting me on patreon! I am very grateful of all the donations and pledges I receive because I know you guys could’ve saved the money and spent it on yourselves instead. Thank you!

Secondly, I have written a blog post on my translation struggles. I shared my sorrows and how I felt when wordads banned my site from advertisements. In June, I made $0.88 with 115k views. I broke down and I was so depressed.

Thirdly, I have taken out some fillers from the chapters. It should still read relatively smooth (sometimes the sentences may be awkward because my brain cannot properly convert the Chinese into English). I want to make sure something actually happens in each chapter. This chapter wasn’t too exciting but in a few chapters from now, hehehehehe. You guys will be happy again because Le Yao Yao is going to do something very stupid and arouse the Prince!!

Without further ado, here is Chapter 62.

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2 thoughts on “The Eunuch is Pregnant: Chapter 62”

  1. I’m sorry to hear about your ad woes. Is it possible to sign up with a different ad site? Google Ads?

    I really appreciate all of your hard work; please know that although many of us don’t comment regularly, we do read everything you write =)

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