The Eunuch is Pregnant: Chapter 202

To my dear readers,

Today, I’m going to link two articles and see which one the bots will steal. I wonder if it will mess them up? lol

My attention span and pokemon go (This post was written almost 2 years ago lol)

Why looks matter

My brain is really fried these days so the releases will be random. I’ll still be doing my regular 3 and the 1 bonus on for my patrons (so you get a total of 4). I used to release Mon, Weds, Fri and Sat. Now it’s all over the place. I released on Sun. Today is Tues, so I still have 2 more chapters to go this week.

Leng Jun Yu will find out Le Yao Yao is female by next week?? But he’s not going to find out she’s pregnant for a long longggg LONGGGGGGGGGGGG time. Blame the author!

Come back in a few hours for the actual chapter.

Chapter 202

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